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Insight. Influence. Impact.

This dynamic program offers a variety of in-depth self-awareness tools to enhance leadership capabilities and addresses the unique leadership challenges of early-career managers. Participants learn strategies for continuous development through extensive assessment, group discussions, self-reflection, small-group activities and one-on-one coaching.

During this program, participants will:

  • Recognize self-awareness as a critical leadership competency
  • Communicate effectively by aligning intention and impact
  • Identify and utilize a variety of influence styles
  • Experience personalized coaching
  • Create an inspiring action plan

Is this program right for you?

Program Overview

Leader Level: First-Level Managers and High Potentials
Program Fee: $3,900/Person
Length: 4 half-day sessions from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT
Average Class Size: 8
Instructor/Participant Ratio: 1:9
Delivery Format: Offered as a live online or in-person custom program for a group or team from a single organization.
Upcoming Dates: Please contact us to schedule a program for your organization.

Please contact Client Relations at to schedule a program.


The BYLI Live Online

Program Schedule

16 hours of live online learning divided into four half-day sessions, including a confidential one-on-one feedback session with an executive coach and one additional post-program coaching session will support participants and sustain their learning.

Assessment-Based Learning

  • Leading Others 360
  • FIRO-B
  • Influence Style Inventory

Day 1

Developing Self-Awareness

  • Identifying the Appropriate Leadership Mindset
  • Creating a Leadership Brand
  • Reviewing a 360-Degree Assessment

Day 2

Enhancing Communication

  • Understanding Interpersonal Needs
  • Learning to Listen
  • Delivering and Receiving Feedback

Day 3

Influencing Effectively

  • Recognizing Preferred Influence Styles
  • Building a Foundation of Trust
  • Developing a Political Savvy

Day 4

Bringing it All Together

  • Reflecting on Leadership Impact
  • Experiencing Individual Coaching
  • Committing to an Action Plan

Special Features

  • Intensive Feedback–A comprehensive assessment of the leadership skills most critical to success at this level provides deeply personalized data for feedback and improvement.
  • Take-Home Tools–Resources are tailored to support the newly-enhanced skills of self-awareness, influencing and communication.
  • Peer Learning–Opportunities for feedback, insight, suggestions and support occur through small-group activities and large-group debriefs.

WHITE PAPER: Beyond Doing Good: 6 Mindset Shifts for Purposeful Leadership

Discover the shifts and skillsets required for purposeful leadership, uncovered through in-depth interviews with 20 C-suite leaders and board directors across Asia.

Read More About Mindset Shifts in Purposeful Leadership

Why BYLI at Eckerd College?

Reputation of Excellence

  • Eckerd College Leadership Development Institute (LDI) has been a Network Associate of the renowned global training provider Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) since 1981 and has delivered internationally acclaimed programs to thousands of local, national and international clients.
  • Since its inception, LDI has enjoyed a reputation for excellence and quality in education and training.
  • Our senior faculty team consists of highly trained and experienced professionals with diverse business and academic backgrounds. They are content experts with advanced degrees and coaching credentials and are trained to work closely and collaboratively with individual leaders and within their organizational structures.

Why Attendees Chose Eckerd


Top Ranked Institution and World-Renowned Executive Education

  • Eckerd College is one of The Princeton Review’s Best 387 Colleges (2022), a member of Phi Beta Kappa and one of 40 schools featured in the book Colleges That Change Lives.
  • In addition to our designation as a CCL Network Associate, LDI is an Education Partner of the international association, the Society of Human Resource Management. 
  • Eckerd’s Certified Workplace Mediator and Trainer (CMT) program is accredited by the International Mediation Institute.
  • LDI’s proprietary assessments the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) and Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP) are utilized globally by over +4000 certified practitioners.


High-Quality, Assessment-Based Program Content

  • Rich, research-based content is focused on what matters most for first-time and front-line managers.
  • Intense, personalized feedback gives participants an assessment of important competencies and a plan for learning.
  • The interactive, hands-on format prepares participants to take action back at work. Coaching and take-home tools support newly enhanced skills of influencing, conflict resolution and communication.
  • Participants consistently rate LDI programs 4.8 or higher on a 5-point scale in both value and enjoyment. Often, the ratings don’t even fully reflect the impact our programs have had on the individual lives and careers of attendees who have participated in LDI programs at Eckerd College.
  • Low instructor/participant ratio: 1:9.

Client List

View our client list to learn more about the many organizations with whom we have worked in the areas of leadership, teamwork, coaching and conflict.

Keeping The Momentum Alive With Integrated Coaching

Post-program coaching sessions offer support, expertise, and accountability.

LDI Coaches Provide:
  • One-on-one encouragement and feedback in a confidential, risk-free setting.
  • Support to keep the development plan on track and achieve development goals.
  • An opportunity to build on the program experience to apply new insights.
How to Initiate Integrated Coaching with LDI:
  • Select an Integrated Coaching package.
  • Complete payment through the Integrated Coaching Registration page.
  • Your coach will contact you to schedule sessions after payment confirmation from LDI’s Client Relations Manager.
Integrated Coaching Fees:
  • Offered at a reduced rate of $550 per hour.
  • Minimum of three sessions at $1,650.


Any data resulting from this coaching process will be considered confidential. Neither the assigned coach nor anyone from the Leadership Development Institute will disclose any information resulting from the coaching and consultation sessions to anyone except for the individual client him or herself.

Further questions regarding Integrated Coaching can be directed to Wendy Godfrey at or 727.864.8828.


Please note that all registrations are subject to LDI’s Transfer, Substitution & Refund Policy.

Travel Information & Program Materials

  • Eckerd College’s Location and Details on Travel Arrangements
  • Proper Dress Attire for the Program
  • Program Assessments and Pre-Work
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at (800) 753-0444 or (727) 864-8213 or email us at