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Executives and Organizational Leaders

Leading for Organizational Impact

In-Person Program

Leading for Organizational Impact (LOI) gives executives and senior leaders an opportunity to recognize both the nuances and the big picture of their organization’s overall mission and how they fit inside it. Through immersive learning exercises in a dynamic, peer-based learning environment, leaders leave the program with the skills and support necessary to be more strategically effective within their organizations.

Leadership Development Program

In-Person Program

For experienced managers ready to take leadership to the next level, this flagship 5-day Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) program has been in use for over 40 years and is ranked as one of the top programs of its kind. Based on the most recent leadership research, the Leadership Development Program (LDP) uses a variety of in-depth self-awareness tools and activities to enhance leadership capabilities for driving results.

Mastering Conflict Dynamics

Live Online & In-Person Program

Mastering Conflict Dynamics (MCD) gives participants an increased awareness of the root causes of conflict and helps them acquire new skills for effectively assessing and resolving conflict. Through a variety of teaching techniques including micro-lectures, simulations, group exercises, personal assessments and one-on-one coaching, the program helps participants to address conflict with comfort and confidence.

Leading With Resilience

Live Online & In-Person Program

Leading With Resilience (LWR) is an intensive, three-day experience for high-level executives who need to perform at peak levels—day in and day out. Offered as a custom program for executive leaders, LWR demonstrates our conviction that leadership development is a process and not simply a program.

Executive Coaching

Live Online & In-Person Program

Executive Coaching is the most highly individualized form of leadership development available. Coaching is based on the understanding that in order to be maximally effective, leaders must accurately identify their strengths and weaknesses, examine the impact of their behavior on others and regularly and intentionally reflect on their values, goals and effectiveness. The support and accountability provided by the coach ensure that the goals of the executive coaching program are translated into lasting change.

Conflict Coaching

Live Online Sessions

Conflict Coaching helps leaders to be more effective in their management of conflict. The process provides leaders with the opportunity to complete LDI’s Conflict Dynamics Profile® (CDP) and to obtain ongoing coaching to increase their effectiveness in responding to workplace conflict.

Leading Through Mediation: Manager-as-Mediator

Live Online & In-Person Program

Leading Through Mediation (LTM): Manager-as-Mediator is designed for leaders at all levels who wish to learn a practical, logical five-step model for Managerial Mediation. The program features the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an assessment that helps individuals understand and improve how they manage conflict in the workplace.

Emerging Leaders, New Managers, and Individual Contributors

Lead 4 Success

Live Online & In-Person Program

Created by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), Lead 4 SuccessTM is a dynamic program that propels leaders from average to high performance by developing the four fundamental skills that successful leaders at any level need to master: Self-Awareness, Learning Agility, Communication, and Influence.

Maximizing Your Leadership Potential

In-Person Program

Maximizing Your Leadership Potential is for first-level managers, newly-promoted managers early in their careers and individual contributors, as well as more experienced managers who would benefit from training in the fundamentals of leadership development.

Mastering Conflict Dynamics

Live Online & In-Person Program

Mastering Conflict Dynamics gives participants an increased awareness of the root causes of conflict and helps them acquire new skills for effectively assessing and resolving conflict. Through a variety of teaching techniques including micro-lectures, simulations, group exercises, personal assessments and one-on-one coaching, the program helps participants to address conflict with comfort and confidence.

Executive Coaching

Live Online & In-Person Program

Executive Coaching is the most highly individualized form of leadership development available. Coaching is based on the understanding that in order to be maximally effective, leaders must accurately identify their strengths and weaknesses, examine the impact of their behavior on others and regularly and intentionally reflect on their values, goals and effectiveness. The support and accountability provided by the coach ensure that the goals of the executive coaching program are translated into lasting change.

Developing Your Leadership Brand

Live Online Program

Developing Your Leadership Brand is designed for managers who wish to understand how colleagues perceive their current behavior and to define their own leadership aspirations for the future. The program includes a comprehensive 360-degree assessment and one-on-one coaching.

Leading Through Mediation: Manager-as-Mediator

Live Online & In-Person Program

Leading Through Mediation: Manager-as-Mediator is designed for leaders at all levels who wish to learn a practical, logical five-step model for Managerial Mediation. The program features the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an assessment that helps individuals understand and improve how they manage conflict in the workplace.

Building Your Leadership Impact

Live Online Program

Building Your Leadership Impact is a live online program for early-career managers and supervisors,  as well as more experienced managers who have not had formal training in the fundamentals of superior leadership. The program includes in-depth assessment and coaching, experiential activities and extensive cross-industry peer learning.

HR, Trainers, Consultants, and Coaches

Psychometric Assessments

Live Online Training and Certification

Based on more than 40 years of research, LDI has developed valid and reliable psychometric assessments that produce actionable results. The Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) and Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP) are used worldwide by over 4000 certified practitioners. Certification programs are available in person and online.

Workplace Mediation Certification

Live Online Training and Certification

The Mediation Training Institute is the foremost provider of training, certification, licensing, and consulting in workplace conflict management and mediation. The Institute offers programs, products and services for conflict resolution and mediation including a variety of mediation certification programs.

Step Up to Conflict Workshop Kits

Live Online & In-Person Workshop

Step Up To Conflict is a lead-it-yourself workshop kit developed by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in collaboration with LDI at Eckerd College. Certification is not required, and the kit provides a convenient and flexible way for facilitators to deliver proven, research-based content either virtually or face-to-face.

Consulting Services and Customized Solutions

Custom Programs

LDI’s Customized Workshops can be delivered as standalone sessions or integrated into a series of leadership modules to meet the needs of a group, team or an entire organization. They can also be expanded to half-day, full-day or multi-day programs.

Consulting Services

LDI’s consulting approach includes several distinguishing characteristics such as a collaborative development process featuring assessment, feedback, action-oriented individual development plans and a results-focused consulting framework. LDI client engagements range from focused day-long interventions to multi-tiered, multi-session initiatives that may last months or years. Regardless of the length or complexity of the engagement, the key to our success is partnering with clients to create and deliver innovative ways to address their unique organizational, leadership and team challenges.

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