Terry Marschall serves as a senior master trainer for the Mediation Training Institute. She is also certified as a Senior Human Resources Professional (SPHR) by the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) and is Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Terry holds dual Bachelors’ Degrees in Business Administration and Fashion/ Textile Design, with post graduate studies in Human Resource Development.
Terry has a strong background in HR management with extensive experience in recruitment, employee relations, succession planning, and leadership development. With experience in instructional design, she has developed and presented a variety of programs in areas such as conflict management, coaching for development and performance, interviewing and selection, team effectiveness, organizational alignment, and union response. She is certified to administer, deliver and interpret results of various behavioral assessment instruments relating to conflict management and employee development including the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) Assessment.