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Case Study:

Waste Management Industry


Increasing competition and a transition toward team-based management required that the company develop team leaders who were more effective at building, maintaining and leading teams. The organization wanted a concentrated, in-depth experience that would have lasting benefits on teamwork, communication and performance.


To address these objectives, LDI customized its highly successful Teamwork In Action program for the company. This three-day experience involves a thorough assessment battery including two 360-degree (multi-rater) feedback instruments. A highlight of the program is a 90-minute, one-on-one individual feedback session with an LDI staff member. Participants are placed in “Learning Teams” of four to six people throughout the program so that they can relate the program content to real issues in the workplace.

The goal of the program is to help team leaders understand the dynamics of teamwork so that they can motivate team members toward common goals and increased productivity.

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